Frequently Asked Questions

- What happens when it rains or there is bad weather?

     -- It is out of my control and yours.  If it is raining at the time of your session we will simply reschedule.  Because the rain may stop, I do like to wait up until 2-3 hours before your session to cancel if it is light rain.

- When is the right time of day for photos?

     -- The best time of day for a photo session is at the Golden Hour which is about 1-2 hours before sunset.

- What should I wear?

     -- First and foremost, be comfortable!  If you don't like it in the mirror, you most likely won't like it in the photos.  I suggest picking a color palette and going off of that.  Use Pinterest to find clothing that coordinates together.  Stay away from neon colors and logos.

- Do you have a studio?

     -- Yes!  It is a small studio but I am able to accommodate depending on the number of people in the session.  I offer a number of options and have mini sessions available throughout the year that are only for in studio portraits.  Follow me on Facebook and Instagram to find out when a special is being offered or contact me with any questions.  

- Do you provide props?

     -- Yes, I do have some props.  But if you have anything you would like to bring, please do!  You are most welcome to bring whatever you want that means something to you.

- Do I have to pay a session fee/can I reschedule?

     -- Yes, a non-refundable session fee is due to book your sessions ($150 deposit for weddings and events).  Reschedules are only permitted if it is an emergency or for weather.  You are able to reschedule two times then the session fee must be repaid.

How long will it take to get my images back?

     -- It generally takes 2-3 weeks for your viewing and ordering appointment at which time you will get to see your images from your session. Once you have chosen the images you would like to purchase for prints and/or products, it will take on average about 10 weeks for you to receive your order. Headshots are a lot less. If it is a wedding or an event, then expect it to be 3-4 weeks for your viewing and ordering appointment.

If you still have any questions or there is something I missed that you are curious about, send me an email or Facebook message!